Crust Node
Crust Node program is a set of integrated scripts to facilitate node operation. Crust Node program is open source on Github. You can refer to it for more technical details, and customize or create your own node scripts from there, to ease your own node operation.
1 System commands
1.1 Help
- Command
sudo crust help
- Instance
1.2 Version
Version information includes node network, type and version, sworker details, docker image ID and other information
- Command
sudo crust version
- Instance
1.3 Generate session key
- Command
sudo crust tools rotate-keys
- Instance
2 Configuration command
2.1 Set up and generate configuration files
Configure node name, node type, account backup file and password
- Command
sudo crust config set
- Instance
2.2 Generate configuration files
- Command
sudo crust config generate
Manually modified the /opt/crust/crust-node/config.yaml configuration file
sudo vi /opt/crust/crust-node/config.yaml
Generate configuration files
2.3 Set up to connect to other chains
Set up to connect to other chains,default is "ws://"
- Command
sudo crust config conn-chain {ws}
- Instance Set up a chain connected to "ws://"
sudo crust config conn-chain ws://
2.4 Set the P2P port of the chain
- Command
sudo crust config chain-port {port}
- Instance Change the default port 30888 of the chain to 30889
sudo crust config chain-port 30889
2.5 Set the attestation mode of the sworker
- Command
sudo crust config attestation-mode {epid/ecdsa}
- Instance Change the attestation-mode to ecdsa
sudo crust config attestation-mode ecdsa
2.6 Show configuration file
- Command
sudo crust config show
- Instance
3 Control commands
3.1 Start Crust service
- Command
sudo crust start {chain|api|sworker|smanager|ipfs}
- Instance
Start all Crust service
sudo crust start
Start one Crust service
sudo crust start smanager
sudo crust start api
3.2 Stop Crust service
- Command
sudo crust stop {chain|api|sworker|smanager|ipfs}
- Instance
Stop all Crust service
Stop one Crust service
sudo crust stop api
sudo crust stop smanager
3.3 Reload Crust service
- Command
sudo crust reload {chain|api|sworker|smanager|ipfs}
- Instance
Reload all Crust service
Reload one Crust service
4 Monitor commands
4.1 Query Crust node service status
- Command
sudo crust status {chain|api|sworker|smanager|ipfs}
Includes three status: running, stop, and exited
Status | Description |
running | Service is running normally |
stop | Service is stop |
exited | Service exits abnormally, query log analysis |
- Instance
Query Crust node's all service status
Query Crust node's one service status
4.2 Query node logs
Track service logs, ctrl-c to exit. use 'crust logs help' for more details
- Command
sudo crust logs {chain|api|sworker|sworker-a|sworker-b|smanager|ipfs}
- Instance
Query the latest 5 log lines of the node sworker service
sudo crust logs --tail 5 sworker
4.3 Disk details
- Base data folder is used to store chain and db, 2TB SSD is recommended, you can mount SSD on /opt/crust/data
- Please mount the hard disk to storage folders, paths is from: /opt/crust/disks/1 ~ /opt/crust/disks/128
- SRD will not use all the space, it will reserve 50G of space
- Command
sudo crust tools space-info
- Instance
The disk has been successfully mounted in the three directories /opt/crust/data/disks/2, /opt/crust/data/disks/4, /opt/crust/data/disks/33
5 Upgrade commands
5.1 Upgrade docker image
- Command
sudo crust tools upgrade-image {chain|api|smanager|ipfs|c-gen|sworker}
- Instance
Upgrade the chain's docker image
sudo crust tools upgrade-image chain
Upgrade the IPFS docker image
sudo crust tools upgrade-image ipfs
5.2 SWorker's AB upgrade
- Command
sudo crust tools sworker-ab-upgrade {code}
The parameter code is the only mrenclave code
- Instance
sudo crust tools sworker-ab-upgrade 032ceedd27918ddb4807c78ec5734a8a49878a2e7a7001381b90eae8d1d1c093
6 SWorker commands
6.1 Change sworker's srd capacity
- Command
sudo crust tools change-srd {number}
- Instance
Add 1000Gb srd capacity
Decrease 500Gb srd capacity
6.2 Query storage status
- Command
sudo crust tools workload
File parameter description
Parameter | Description |
files-lost | Lost files |
files-pending | Pending files |
files-vaild | Valid files |
Srd parameter description
Parameter | Description |
srd_complete | Completed srd capacity, unit Gb |
srd_remaining_task | Remaining srd tasks |
disk_available_for_srd | Disk capacity of currently available srd |
disk_available | Disk capacity currently available |
disk_volume | Total disk capacity |
sys_disk_available | Available capacity of system disk |
srd_detail | Usage details of each storage filder |
- Instance
6.3 Query file information
- Command
sudo crust tools file-info {all/valid/lost/pending/{cid}} {output-file}
- Instance
Query all order information
Query the order information in pending
6.4 Delete file
- Command
sudo crust tools delete-file {cid}
- Instance
Delete the file whose cid is QmaK1Rbc4AYtDJoTLgZQNZx4JpDPYrN2DW269i54eA5Phk
sudo crust tools delete-file QmaK1Rbc4AYtDJoTLgZQNZx4JpDPYrN2DW269i54eA5Phk
6.5 Set sworker log level
- Command
sudo crust tools set-sworker-debug {true|false}
- Instance
Enable DEBUG log
Disable DEBUG log
7 Other commands
7.1 IPFS command
- Command
sudo crust tools ipfs {…}
- Instance
View the contents of a file
sudo crust tools ipfs cat QmddN7QgY7RHtsGN8bnUqWJq4VpMam2HXrRDafe5pBt3eq
7.2 Watch compose
- Command
sudo crust tools watch-chain
Generate a "watch-chain.yaml" configuration file in the current directory, and use docker-compose to start the watcher node
- Instance Start:
sudo docker-compose -f watch-chain.yaml up -d
sudo docker logs crust-watch
8 Configure external source chain
The use of an external chain can make the member node more lightweight, and it can also make multiple members connect to the same watch chain node, thereby avoiding repeated chain synchronization to a certain extent. However, due to the single point of failure in this method, that is to say, the failure of the external source chain node will cause multiple members to fail to report the workload, so please try to use a better network device or cloud server to start the external source chain. At the same time, do not connect too many members to the same chain. It is recommended to have less than 10 members, otherwise the workload may not be reported due to congested transactions.
8.1 Configure watch chain service
a Machine selection
The requirements of the Watch machine are as follows:
- The machine running the watch does not require SGX
- 500GB solid state drive
- It is recommended to use a stable network with public IP and fixed ports, which will directly affect the workload report of member nodes
- Install Crust node
- Recommend cloud server
b Generate docker compose file
sudo crust tools watch-chain
Generate a "watch-chain.yaml" configuration file in the current directory
c Start watch chain
sudo docker-compose -f watch-chain.yaml up -d
sudo docker logs crust-watch
d Matters needing attention
- You can edit the "watch-chain.yaml" file to customize the watcher node
- The watcher node can provide ws and rpc services, the default port is 30888, 19933, 19944, pay attention to open ports
8.2 Member node use external source chain
Set up to connect to other chains,default is "ws://"
- Command
sudo crust config conn-chain {ws}
- Instance
Set up a chain connected to "ws://"
sudo crust config conn-chain ws://
If it is a node that is already running, the node needs to be restarted for the configuration of the external source chain to take effect
9 Control SGX driver automatic installation
- Disable automatic installation of SGX driver
Execute the following commands before starting the node:
sudo mv /opt/crust/crust-node/scripts/ /opt/crust/crust-node/scripts/
- Enable automatic installation of SGX driver
Execute the following commands before starting the node:
sudo mv /opt/crust/crust-node/scripts/ /opt/crust/crust-node/scripts/