Elrond Bridge
Crust Elrond Bridge provides a 2-way cross-chain service from Crust Mainnet CRU to Elrond ESDT CRU.
Make sure you have Elrond account and Crust account before start bridging CRU token.
- Elrond Web Wallet: https://wallet.elrond.com/
- Create Crust Mainnet account:
- Use Crust web wallet: https://apps.crust.network/#/accounts
- Use Crust chrome extension wallet: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/crust-wallet/jccapkebeeiajkkdemacblkjhhhboiek
Crust Mainnet ➡️ Elrond
Go to Crust Apps-->Accounts-->Bridge
(https://apps.crust.network/#/bridge) page, the browser will open the Ethereum wallet at this time. It is not necessary to connect an Ethereum wallet for cross-chain transactions from Crust Mainnet to Elrond.
Choose “Crust to Elrond", enter the Elrond address to receive your CRU in frame 2, enter the amount that you want to transfer in frame 3, click “Transfer” after you confirm there is no mistake above, then sign and complete the transaction.
Please note that the transaction is automatically executed through a smart contract, waiting for the final confirmation block to arrive, which will take about a few minutes
After the cross-chain transaction is completed, CRU tokens will appear in your wallet.
Elrond ➡️ Crust Mainnet
Go to Crust Apps-->Accounts-->Bridge
(https://apps.crust.network/#/bridge) page, the browser will open the Ethereum wallet at this time. It is not necessary to connect an Ethereum wallet for cross-chain transactions from Elrond to Crust Mainnet.
Choose "Elrond to Crust", choose the Crust account you want to receive your CRU in frame 2, enter the amount that you want to transfer in frame 3, click "Submit" after you confirmed there is no mistake above, then you'll jump to Elrond web wallet.
In elrond web wallet, you'll make a transfer with ESDT-type CRU to Crust-Elrond Bridge Account (erd1jjnl4q4s3mqducpsg72edqtu8zyq8jtxvfx2fumpa36hp4rd8q9q9yxpgn
After transaction confirmed on Elrond-side, you'll jump back to Crust apps.
Wait a few minutes, you'll received the CRU token on Crust Mainnet-side. You can check it either in Crust web wallet or Crust chrome extension wallet
- Crust web wallet
- Crust chrome extension wallet
Extra attension
When you encounter the following problem when you jump into Elrond web wallet, please press "Close" and try it again.