Store file with Crust IPFS Pinning Service API
This doc contains a code sample to demonstrate how to upload a file to IPFS W3Auth Gateway, and place a storage order to get the file stored in Crust Network through IPFS W3Auth Pinning Service. After that, the file can be retrieved via standard IPFS interface and gateway from anywhere. This scenario is simple but generic. It can be widely applied in DApp hosting, NFT file storing, content/media delivery, cloud storage, etc.
The code sample is open source on GitHub repo:
1. Storage process
Using IPFS Gateway and IPFS remote pinning service, developers can follow below process to upload, store and distribute files:
- Upload the file to IPFS gateway, and get the file
(a unique identifier generated based on the content of each file) - Use
to call IPFS standard pinning service. - Obtain and monitor pinning status
2. Dependencies
The code sample mainly depends on the following libraries:
- @crustio/type-definitions Custom data type, used to adapt to Crust network
- @polkadot/api The polkadot api library provides a Promise-style interface for performing related operations on the Crust chain
- ipfs-http-client ipfs http client library, contains all the ipfs apis
Let's Rock 🤟🏻
0. Build web3 authentication header with Crust
This demo only takes Crust(substrate-based chains) as an example, more web3 auth ways can be checked here.
const { Keyring } = require('@polkadot/keyring');
const seeds = process.argv[2];
// 2. Construct auth header
const keyring = new Keyring();
const pair = keyring.addFromUri(seeds);
const sig = pair.sign(pair.address);
const sigHex = '0x' + Buffer.from(sig).toString('hex');
const authHeader = Buffer.from(`sub-${pair.address}:${sigHex}`).toString('base64');
1. Upload files to IPFS Gateway
const { create, globSource } = require('ipfs-http-client');
// IPFS Web3 Authed Gateway address
const ipfsGateway = '';
// 3. Create ipfs http client
const ipfs = create({
url: ipfsGateway + '/api/v0',
headers: {
authorization: 'Basic ' + authHeader
const { cid } = await ipfs.add(globSource(path, '**/*'));
if (cid) {
} else {
throw new Error('IPFS add failed, please try again.');
You can get full list of
address here.
2. Pin file through IPFS Pinning Service
const got = require('got');
const ipfsPinningService = ''; // IPFS Web3 Authed Pinning Service address
// 4. Pin to crust with IPFS standard W3Authed pinning service
const {body} = await
ipfsPinningService + '/pins',
headers: {
authorization: 'Bearer ' + authHeader
json: {
cid: cid.toV0().toString(),
name: 'crust-demo'
You can get the full list of
Will return body
3. Query on-chain pinning status from IPFS Pinning Service
if (body) {
const rid = JSON.parse(body)['requestId'];
console.log(body, rid);
// 5. Query pinning status through pinning service
while (true) {
const {body: pinningStat} = await got(
ipfsPinningService + `/pins/${rid}`,
headers: {
authorization: 'Bearer ' + authHeader
console.log(pinningStat); // After success, you can query the cid on Crust
await timeout(1000);
} else {
throw new Error('Crust pin failed, please try again.');
After pinned success, the demo will return